5 Eco-Friendly Tips to Save Money and the Planet

Solar Panels

These days, it’s common to overspend on luxuries that negatively impact the health of our planet. Luckily, there are easy habits and investments you can pursue to help yourself save money and our planet stay healthy.

Solar Panels

We’ve outlined our favorite eco-friendly money-saving tips below.

1.     Use Solar Panels

Save Money

While solar panels used to be a hefty investment, they’re becoming more affordable to install by the day. And while it still costs money initially, you will save money on electric bills in the long run when you harness the energy of the Sun.

Solar energy is one of the most renewable resources in existence, so when you install panels you’re helping the health of the planet. Additionally,  solar panels will often increase your home’s value.

2.   Buy Second-Hand

The business of fashion is incredibly wasteful. Clothes are thrown out every year and new clothes are produced in absurd, unnecessary quantities. Selling and buying used clothing, however, helps us reduce waste and maintain the health of our planet.

Buying your clothes at thrift shops has the added benefit of saving you money. Additionally, you may just find some unique vintage clothes that make you more fashionable than the average person.

3.   Ditch The Weed Killers

When you garden at home or care for plants, it’s tempting to resort to chemical weed killers like Roundup. But these can have a negative impact on the environment and your health.

Instead, you may want to manually remove weeds instead. Yanking out the roots of a weed is one of the most effective ways to permanently remove it from your garden. Additionally, doing so means you don’t have to spend money on chemical weed killers.

4.  Work From Home

When you commute to work, you’re spending money on gas or other transportation costs. The fossil fuel emissions are bad for the environment and the money spent is bad for your wallet.

Instead, consider searching for a work-at-home job or starting your own business from the comfort of your house. This will save you money and reduce fossil fuel emissions.

5.   Become a Minimalist

We live in a consumerist culture where we’re encouraged to spend money on an assortment of luxuries we don’t need. The less you can learn to live with, the less waste that will pollute our planet. And, of course, practicing minimalism will also help your bank account stay healthy.


It’s easy to fall into bad spending habits buying things you don’t need that impact the environment adversely. However, it isn’t difficult to make a change. There are a variety of eco-friendly changes you can make in your life to positively impact the environment and save you money at the same time.


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